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Search Engine Traffic – How To Increase

Search Engine Traffic is the best type of traffic you can receive coming to your site. Why? The reason is direct, targeted traffic to specific topics that you choose with your keywords. Whether you’re blogging, opening a webstore, or own any website, targeted keyword traffic is giving your readers exactly what they’re looking for. Your goal should be to maximize this kind of traffic since it is so specific for your topics and reader’s interests.

Increase Search Engine Traffic

How can you increase Search Engine Traffic? The main search engines, which I’m sure you’ve heard of and use daily, are Google, Bing and Yahoo. Right now these search engines are responsible for almost every visitor via searching on the web. Below I will outline a few ways that can help you increase your visitors and ultimately revenue from your websites by using search engines to your advantage.

1. On page SEO – On page SEO refers to using specific keywords throughout your articles that describe your content exactly. Keywording your articles is the most important factor driving search engine traffic. The main keywords should be listed in the following places for best results: domain, title, and first line of your article.

2. Off page SEO – This is the part of website development that entails the ever so fun backlinking.  Backlinks you can target via blog comments, other websites, web directories, forum posting and basically anywhere you can post a link. The closer to your target keyword for where you place your backlinks the better results you will attain.

3. Social Media – In order to increase search engine traffic you need to have an “online presence” in as many places as you can. Social media is a great tool that can increase your traffic at the same time improving your search engine rank because of the backlinks and online presence.

Using these three simple tips you can see some tremendous results. It may take some time and effort but it will be well worth it. Between On Page SEO, Off Page SEO and Social Media you can turn your website into one of the top websites on the Internet. If you’re interested in making money online visit Everyday Blog Tips for more ideas that you can start right away.